A Bookish Sarah

encouragement & bookish things

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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What's in a Name? >> 1st Monday Edition (Except on a Thursday)

It's a new week & the beginning of a new month, friends!
Can you believe it's February 2022??

And lookit what's up on the blog today!

Thank you, thank you.  We'll see how long I can manage this, haha.  Unfortunately, I was unable to add the photos for some bizarre reason.  Hopefully, I can fix that for the next go, but at least I've got some names for you!  Also, I'm attempting to stick to my formatting from one two [whaaa---] years ago.  It seemed to work well, so here goes!

Enjoy.  :]



| English (rare)

From a surname that was a variant of Lennox, which is derived from a Scottish surname and the name of a district in Scotland.  The district, called Leamhnachd in Gaelic, possibly means "place of elms."


 Cornish, English (British)

Variant of Mabyn, which is possibly derived from Old Cornish mab, meaning "son."


| English

Transferred use of the occupational surname Sutter, for a shoemaker or cobbler (rarely a tailor).  It hails from Middle English suter, souter; Middle High German suter, sutære---from Latin sutor, an agent derivative of suere "to sew").


F | English

From the name of the traditional geographic & modern administrative region of Greece, comprising most of the ancient region of the same name.  This name is borne by Thessaly Lerner---American stage, film, & voice actress.

M & F | Japanese

From Japanese elements meaning "green, blue" and "forest."  This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.

F | French
nu-VAWR, na-VARR

From the name of the historic Royaume de Navarre, a kingdo in the West Pyrenees mountains which is divided today between Spain & France.  Derived from either the Basque nabar, meaning "brownish" or "multicolor", or from Basque naba, meaning "valley" or "plain"; and herri, meaning "land" or "people."

Names & meanings via behindthename.com.

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Talk to me!

Oooh.  I rather love this group of names.  Not sure if they would ever make it into a story or something of mine, but who knows.  :]  Do you have a favorite(s) of this group??  I'd have to say of these, Thessaly is my personal fave.  Such a pretty sound to it!

Thanks for reading, friend!
Have a lovely start to the weekend!


  1. OH

    My excitement of seeing a new name's post on my blogger dashboard was off the charts! I'V MISSED THESE POSTS. I've got a TON of names written down from all these delicious posts from over the years!

    As always, you found such unique and awesome ones! Thessaly is definitely my favorite as well. What a pretty idea for a name. *rushes off to go add it to the list*

    Thank you for sharing these! I just love these posts so much. <333

    Happy February, dear Sarah! I hope you have an absolutely beautiful one.

  2. I INTERNALLY SCREAMED WHEN I SAW THIS POST!! Thank you for doing it again! <3
    Hmm, Lenox tugs at me. . . But I have to go with Thessaly too! Nn Tess, Essie, or Sally! *also rushes off to add it to the list* xD
    Hope your February is wonderful! Mine has been filled with snow already; jury is out on whether that's wonderful or not (I have a love-hate relationship with snow ;-P). xD
    Again, thank you for doing this! You made my day!! *hugs*

  3. So excited to see another names post :) I love Aomori!


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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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