A Bookish Sarah

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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Introducing Keyword // Interview with Angela Dawne!

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Good Wednesday to you, lovely beans!
How fares your week thus far?  It's been a sunny/rainy mix for me, and while I enjoy the rainy days, they make me appreciate the sunny ones all the more.  :]

Well, today, I have a special surprise for you!  I'd like to introduce you to a new friend of mine who has started her own blog, Keyword---where she shares pieces of flash fiction & non-fiction using keywords each week.  Her writings are so very emotive & thought-provoking!  

And she's also a fellow writer for the Oh Beloved One magazine for girls!  <3

Allow me to introduce:
Angela Dawne

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Tell us a little about yourself (only what you’re comfortable sharing, of course!)—are you still in school? Childhood dreams? Name of your favorite pet? Etc. etc.

ANGELA:  I am a homeschooled high school junior! I grew up as an MK (missionary kid) overseas, and my childhood dream was always to get a degree in nursing and move overseas to Africa. Unfortunately, the first half of that dream was crushed after taking biology in my sophomore year and realizing I don’t enjoy science that much. My one and only pet I’ve ever owned, was a goldfish named Torpedo who lived a grand total of three weeks before dying. Poor guy. 

SARAH:  I remember my high school days.  ;D  How neat you grew up an MK!  And that's a beautiful dream, but I totally understand not enjoying the science part of it.  I'm sure God has much in store for you regardless!  Awww! poor fishie... O_o  The only fish I could keep alive were the beta fish. xD

In your blog posts, how do you come up with the keywords? Do you have a method of some sort? Or is it a random/whatever-comes-to-mind kind of thing?

A:  Yes! All of the above! Sometimes, I just get inspiration for a project, and write the flash fiction/article first- before finding a key word. Other times, a word pops into my head while I’m working on homework or talking to people. It’s really rather random, now that I think about it. 

S:  That's great!  Love that it's random inspiration.  That's how most of my creativity & ideas are formed as well.  :]

What is your writing process (for your posts/stories/WIPs/etc)? Are you a notebook & pen kind of gal, or a typewriter/computer gal?

A:  That is a wonderful question, and I wish I knew! I’ve slowly transitioned from a pantser (one who writes without an outline) to a plotter (one who plots and outlines). Most of my flash fiction, poetry, and articles are “pantsed”, but my longer WIPs (novels and novellas) have for the past year or so been plotted.

I am a total computer kind of girl (though I wouldn’t mind trying out a typewriter, if I could get my hands on one). I get writer’s cramp really easily, so I usually can’t write more than 80 words without my hand going numb. In the event that I have to use a writing utensil though, I much prefer pen.

S:  I'm sure many---including me!---relate to the pantsing process.  I think that's why I find flash fiction so much fun.  It helps to keep the writing fresh & the creative juices flowing.  Plotting for the larger stories, though, is definitely a good thing!

Same! I love typewriters, but it's been so long since I've used one.  I keep hoping I will find a nice antique one some day... Oh you poor dear!  That's a terrible malady to have as a modern writer these days!  And yes, definitely pens---I prefer the finer tips myself.

How long have you been a serious writer? And what motivated or inspired you to begin?

A:  I have been seriously pursuing writing for five years. My love for reading, and my friend’s interest in writing are what inspired me to grab a laptop and story idea.

S:  How awesome!

What, or who, is your biggest inspiration in life?

A:  Ahh, good question. I haven’t thought of this much, so I’ll just pull someone who used to be super inspirational to me as a child. He still is, but I also have other heroes now.

Nate Saint, missionary to the Auca Indians and martyr for the gospel. The fact that he so willingly risked and lost his life for the furthering of the gospel was inspirational to me. It doesn’t have to do with writing, but it impacted me in other areas.

S:  Wow! I've always wondered if I would have such courage.  Those men & women are the true heroes of the world---not the celebrities that people seem to revere today.

What are five random facts about you that many people probably don’t know?

A:  I love photography; I really want a little kitten but don’t think I have the energy to take on another responsibility; I have printed out 20 copies of my unpublished poetry book to give to family and close friends; I have a hammock that I practically live in during the summer); I love German pancakes. 

S:  Photography is a beautiful hobby!  And YESSSS---I'm so with you in regards to wishing for a kitten!  I'm a total cat person myself, and it's my hope in the next couple years that we'll be able to get both a kitten & a puppy someday.  *melts over cuteness*

How incredible!  A book of your poetry is such a treasure to your family.  Also, hammocks are LIFE.  And wow! I've never tasted German pancakes, but according to Google, they look DELICIOUS.

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Thank you so much for joining me here, Angela!  It's been such a pleasure.  Best wishes for you & your blog!  Blogging is such a fun way of sharing our passions & writings---a perfect outlet.  :]

So go, y'all!  Go check out her blog & give her a follow, if you will!  I've enjoyed every post I've read that she's shared.  She's such a deep thinker, and her passions most certainly show in her writings.

Angela Dawne
is a homeschooled dreamer, thinker, & writer who often finds herself lost in the labyrinth of her mind.


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