A Bookish Sarah

encouragement & bookish things

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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Be ENCOURAGED || My Purpose

As we enter the new year of 2019, I imagine most girls are re-evaluating their goals from last year, making new ones for this year, and contemplating life & futures. I cannot speak for the guys, but I do know girls tend to overthink, over-worry, and overdo ALL the things.

For me, one particular subject revolves around the unknown future and my humble purpose in life. I recall my junior and senior years of high school and attempting to decide what I wished to do with my life after graduation: college? no college? Full-time job? Part-time? Find a profitable hobby?? That general question STRESSED me out. And I suppose it’s because absolutely everyone simply HAD to ask you what you’re plans were, thereby adding pressure—however unintentionally—to my decisions for the future.

My answer was this: I’m taking at least one year and then perhaps I’ll decide.

Best decision ever! That one year gave me time to think, pray, learn more of who I am, and actually learn to listen to my God and what He had to say. I had absolutely no desire to go to college and spend money I didn’t have for something I didn’t have a clue of studying for (and would probably never use anyway). So, I stayed home. I worked on the family farm, got a part-time job, and waited for God to direct my steps. I was no wallflower—no princess waiting in my tower for rescue. I learned to be productive and diligent in my time and efforts.

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I suppose I knew it all along. But it was probably the year I turned eighteen when my dream—my purpose—really sank in: I wished to get married, become a wife and someday mama, and live my ministry of home-maker with a husband and family. (Note: I didn’t have a boyfriend, nor had I ever previously dated.)  I was extremely insecure, anxious, and overly fearful of my unknown future. I wrote poems during this time reflecting the burdens of my heart, and often cried myself to sleep, until finally, I gave it all to my gracious and merciful Savior. 

 I still worried.  So. Very. OFTEN.  (Even now! #chronicworrier)  But God gave me a peace to know He truly is in control; comfort, that even if my dream to be a wife was never fulfilled, I would never be alone; and contentment & patience to wait on Him.

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Not long afterward, God opened the door to show me a young man, whom my family & I had known for several years already, express the desire to further our relationship with the end goal of marriage.  I was surprised!  It was totally unexpected. But not unwanted.  :]

Long [beautiful] story short, and loads of prayer later, we were married in October 2016, and later welcomed a beautiful baby boy into our little family in August 2018.

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God is so good to show us His grace—in His timing.  Simply put (and easier said than done), it only takes a bit of trust and your full surrender to find guidance & fulfillment in the purpose He has for you.  And oh, what joy there is when we are serving right where He wished us to be all along!

I still worry.  I still struggle.  I am SO not perfect.  But there is something in knowing one’s purpose that gives us the motivation to get out of bed each day and pray for the strength & courage to tackle life head on.

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I love my job as a wife & mama. This is my mission field.
This is MY purpose.

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You have PURPOSE & you are so loved.  
Unfortunately, you will struggle and there will be days your path is not as clear.  We are never promised days free from suffering.  But it's in the storm AND the calm that all we can do is trust our all-knowing King & surrender all to Him.  He alone is trustworthy & totally enough.


  1. Such a beautiful testimony! I’ve struggled a lot with "purpose" over the past year, and while I’m still not entirely confident in the results, I can at least work with it while I keep discerning. Amazing post!

    1. Thank you, Nicole! That is totally normal. As the wise Treebeard said, "...Don't be hasty, Master Merriadoc." There is wisdom in waiting & value in the patience gained. And don't stop listening to our King, no matter how silent He may seem to be. Blessings, dearie! <3

  2. Oh boy did I need this post. Right now, I'm learning how to turn it over to God in the midst of a lot of personal anxiety and not knowing 100% what I'm doing. God's Will be done.

    And now I shall have to save this and post it somewhere where I can see it often.....

    1. I'm so pleased to hear how this post has blessed you. I truly believe every young lady goes through a season of discerning purpose. But you're not alone!

      Awww, you are the sweetest. If this post serves as a reminder to you in the future, please do! <3

  3. GIRL. You always speak directly to my heart. This is something I struggle with every. single. day. As someone who didn't go to college, doesn't have a full-time job, and is not married, not only do I get a lot of awkward "what are you doing with your life?" questions, but I question it myself. And God has to get with me time and time again to remind me I'm exactly where He put me, and doing what He wants me to do in this time in my life. And I should NOT be ashamed by it. We do all have a purpose, and God has a different plan for each of us. We should embrace it and enjoy it, instead of bemoaning a life we don't have, or think we should have. Because God's got MUCH better plans. ^_^

    Thank you for this beautiful, much needed post. You're such a blessing! <3

    1. Dearest Lauri *^ - ^* I'm so happy to know you've been blessed by my rambling words. You are most certainly NOT alone. I with you the whole way on that--even now! I occasionally get that question (can you believe it??). But even with a baby, people want to know if I'm working and what I plan to do, etc etc. It's nearly heart-breaking to see how our world feels its mamas HAVE to work for basically their happiness.

      "We should embrace it and enjoy it, instead of bemoaning a life we don't have..." <-- Amen! I couldn't say it any better myself. You're the sweetest! Much love, girlie. <3

  4. So glad to have you on our writing team. ;) Thanks for sharing the site! <3

    1. And I'm so honored to be a part of it! ABSOLUTELY! I wanna share with EVERYONE :D <3 You have a beautiful ministry.

  5. I love how you're like "THIS IS MY MISSION FIELD". Cos a lot of people are like YOU DON'T NEED TO BE A MISSIONARY TO SERVE GOD and while I agree that labeling yourself a missionary may not always be a great thing - I still believe that EVERYBODY IS MEANT TO BE A MISSIONARY in the sense that IF YOU ARE GIVEN A MISSION BY GOD YOU /ARE/ A MISSIONARY. and God gives everyone a mission/purpose if they seek him. ;DD

    gREAT POST!!

    1. I totally agree!! All too often pastors preach to their congregation to "get out there and serve overseas, cuz basically that's where you need to be." And for some, that it EXACTLY where God has directed their paths, but for others, like me! they've not been given that passion. Instead, it lies on the homefront---which, honestly, I believe it should start.

      Thanks for commenting, girl! So happy to see you here. *^ - ^* <3

  6. I love this! It was DEFINITELY encouraging <3


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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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