A Bookish Sarah

encouragement & bookish things

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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Welcome, 2018

Happy New Year, dear ones!  
I hope each of you had a marvelous Christmas celebrating our Saviour's birth, and enjoying the blessing of family and friends.

This year has been a good one.  I'll spare you a lengthy wrap-up as the Hubs and I are leaving soon for lunch with my side of the family, and later to spend the evening with his.  :]

I learned much in 2017 -- too much to put into words, really.  As a wife now for one year, three months and counting, I will say the Lord has blessed me greatly.  I have an amazing husband and best friend who stands by me in my ups and downs and has wholeheartedly served as my Encourager.  God is so good.  Sometimes that little phrase may be a little over-used, but I mean every word every time I say it.  He has provided for me and my man this entire year, and I know we will be cared for in 2018.  

It's a new chapter that's beginning!  Believe it or not!  I have many "goals" I'd like to strive toward this new year.  And while I have no idea what my King has in store for us, I know it's gonna be GREAT.

So here's to 2018.  
May our Lord bless you as you strive for His perfection and live for Him each and every day.  May your faith be strengthened.  And may you be a Light.

Happy 2018, y'all.


  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR, SWEET SARAH!!! I'm so happy you had a good 2017. And God IS good. It's so beautiful how you always look to Him and seek His provision. I just know He is going to continue to bless you.

    I hope this new year is your best one yet! *hugs*

  2. Happy 2018 to you too Sarah!!!

    Sounds like you had a great New Year! My New Year went well - got a few more presents from extended family and watched the Ball drop at midnight.

    Here's to an awesome 2018!!


    P.S. I tagged you for the #MyFirstPostRevisted blog hop. I'll leave the link here: https://catherinesrebellingmuse.blogspot.com/2017/12/myfirstpostrevisted-ready-for-new-year.html

  3. Christine: Thanks, girlie! You're the sweetest sugar plum!! <3 Wishing the same to you!

    Catherine: Excellent! It sounds like you had a fantastic holiday season. We too stayed up for the ball to drop. My parents usually host a New Years party - such fun! And it's always nice to extend Christmas giving. Thanks! And thank you for the tag. I shall definitely hop on the bandwagon as soon as I can. :]


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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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