A Bookish Sarah

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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Name Reveal! No. 3

Image by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Happy Wednesday!

According to my recycled blogging schedule, today would normally be when I share a Name post!  And that is what I shall do, except in a slightly different way... :]

For those who do not know, my little family is growing!  AGAIN!  God surprised us with a 3rd pregnancy (I seriously believe He has a sense of humor); and we were---to say the least---surprised.  xD  Perhaps shocked would better suit our thinking, haha.  Our little girl, Heidi, turns one year old on the 27th of this month (I can hardly believe THAT!!), and not too long afterward, we will welcome halfling no. 3!  They are going to be so close together! Which means, we will have THREE halflings under the age of four...  

Honestly, I had everything laid out beautifully to where our family would grow with at least 2-3 years in between kiddos, but I SERIOUSLY believe God looked at my mental calendar and said, "NOPE, ya gotta trust Me.  Hahahaha!"  And so, here we are!

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But I ramble.

As I said, this is rather like a Name post, except it's revealing the name of our soon-to-come (late May 2022) little BOY!

Meet Aidan
---little brother to Gabriel & Heidi.

I'll share the name meaning & origins below.  It's not a family name or anything, just one we both liked---similar to our choices of 'Gabriel' & 'Heidi.'  :]

As for the middle name, we chose a distant relation on my side in keeping with the family theme:


It comes from a great-great uncle I never met---I just loved the name & the fact it's in the family!  And I've said it before, but I LOVE mixing & matching name combos.  While my hubby was a little more hesitant, I thought the sound of Aidan Leander had a nice, unique ring to it.  *^ - ^* (Also, I think it's growing on him and he's coming around to my way of thinking... ;D)

Meanings below!

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Irish, English (modern)

AY-dən (English)

Anglicized version of Aodhán, which is ultimately derived from Old Irish Aodh, meaning "little fire."  There are many different variations of spellings, one such: Aiden, being the Americanized version.


M  |  Greek Mythology

lee-AN-dÉ™r (English)

Latinized form of the Greek name Leandros, which is derived from leon, meaning "lion," and aner, meaning "man."  In Greek legend, this was the given name of the lover of Hero, who swam across the Hellespont every night to meet her, but on one occasion was drowned when a storm arose.  As is typical in tragic Greek mythology, when Hero saw his dead body, she threw herself into the waters and also perished.

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So, there ya have it.  :]

What is your honest opinion?  Would you use these names as characters in your WIPs??  I've thrown around some nickname ideas for the two, but what would YOU shorten them to? I'd truly love to hear!!


  1. I am SO thrilled for you and your precious family!!! And don't you love it when God looks are our carefully laid plans, says "NOPE!", and gifts us with such unexpected and wildly delightful new plans? It's the best. ^_^

    And AAAAAHHHHHH! Aiden is like one of my favorite boy names! I have always been fond of that one. It has this perfect mix of almost sounding like a fantasy hero while also fitting in the modern world. And, no joke, Leander has always been a favorite of mine as well! YOU GUYS COME UP WITH THE BEST NAMES. I adore all the names of your children!

    This was such a fun name reveal and I am just ecstatic for you! Little Aiden is going to be one blessed boy. <3

    1. Thank you, dear Christine! And yes, He certainly knows best---I simply have to remember that, haha!

      I know! I've ALWAYS loved the name, so it was quite an easy choice. Ah, yes! I totally agree! Definitely hero-ish. ;D WHAT??? That's too great! Aww, you are so sweet! *^ - ^*

      Thank you so much! We are certainly excited! <333

  2. *all the hearts and exclamation points* Love this name, and I think Danny could work as a nickname! Possibly Aid too, and with the "den" ending Denny's an option. Leander could be shortened to Lee or Andy. Using the initials of the two, you could do Al!
    Also, I love how Aidan Leander could be translated as "little fiery lion-man"! I pray he'll be on fire and a warrior for God!
    (And yes, I would use these names and actually do have a character named Aiden/Aidan/Aden {I can't remember how I spelled it}!)

    Best wishes and blessings to you and your family!

    1. Yes, I thought of that also, though I personally would lean more towards something like "Danno" (maaaaybe inspired by Hawaii-Five-O...), because it's more unique than "Danny". But I hadn't thought of "Aid", that's got a nice sound to it! And I kinda like "Anders" for Leander, but of course either of those will work too. And haha, yes! quite the translation xD Thank you, so do I!!

      And thank you, Julie!! Same to you & yours!


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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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