A Bookish Sarah

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Book Review // The Fractured Empire

The Fractured Empire

Robin D. Mahle

Amazon Digital Services | April 2019
Fantasy Fiction, YA Fiction, Steampunk, Romance

Clark and Adelaide think their lives can’t get any worse. Until they meet each other. 

Adelaide — heiress to the wealthiest man in the Ceithren Empire — has felt a void since her sister’s death. Just as she’s resigned herself to the empty life her father chose for her, a relic from a world that shouldn’t exist plunges her into chaos. 

Clark — son of the greatest terrorist the empire has ever known — is still reeling from his father’s death. Since then, his life has boiled down to two things: his brothers and his next mission. When his mission to bring back a mystical artifact goes awry, he’s forced to choose between getting the job done and saving the life of a spoiled socialite. 

But Clark isn’t the only one after the artifact. 

He and Adelaide must work together to survive… if only they can manage to avoid killing each other before their enemies have the chance.

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{I was provided a copy thanks to BookSirens, in exchange for my honest review.}
WARNING: Possible Spoilers!

{The Basics}
I honestly had no idea what to expect in digging into this novel.  The story had a fun steampunk, early 20th-century feel to it mixed with a fantastical side of magic.  Having never really read much steampunk in the first place, I found myself truly enjoying the genre in this one.  

Were it not for the amazing amount of language & open sensuality, this would be a great 5-star review.  But alas, it must be too much to ask to leave all the junky content out in an otherwise incredible story...

Addie is a girl still grieving five years later after the loss of her mother & sister.  She copes with alcoholic beverages; tamping down her emotions & schooling her features into the blank, stoic expression she refers to as her "heiress" face; and acting like the spoiled, bratty socialite everyone believes her to be.  She doesn't let anyone get close to her anymore & accepts the hand fate seems to have dealt her, all with her dream of finally taking that trip to the Ever Falls that she & her sister had dreamed up ages ago.  She doesn't have a good relationship with her father---a powerful man second only to the emperor---and we sympathize that the little girl inside her merely wants the affection & attention they used to have for one another.  Instead, she pushes him away.

Clark is a skilled spy with far too many secrets of his own, but with undeniable loyalty to his brothers.  I loved the bickering & teasing between the three.  Their relationships are certainly not perfect, and they each have their own secrets & flaws, but there's no doubt they'd lay down their lives for the other.  

The steampunk vibe & world building of the island cities were fun, perfectly vague, & altogether intriguing---giving just enough for a good visual, but leaving plenty of room for imagination.  Loved!

Five years prior to the beginning of the story, we learn a massive, yet silent, explosion destroyed an incredible portion of a city, devastating the area & killing thousands.  No one really knows who's responsible, but everyone was affected in some way or another.

A leering man tries to force a girl to dance---she slaps him, but her bodyguard butts in & promptly punches the guy in the face.

A man pulls his shoulder out of socket during an escape from a highly secure building.

A guard is killed by a metal robot monster of some kind; we see his bloodied arm (implied that it was separated from the rest of his body) laying in the doorway).

One character suffered horrible, physical abuse from his early life on till he ran away at five years old.  He had been born deaf & was beaten because he couldn't hear and understand.  His hands are deeply scarred & terribly mutilated as a result, but still functional.

A dagger stabs an old man in the heart---dead instantly; another man takes out adversaries with his own dagger.

A character sports a terrible scar from collarbone to jawline---we later learn he was severely injured & outmatched in a previous battle against an unknown opponent & nearly bled out from the slash to the neck.  Painful memories of the wound & many months of recovery.

Big battle in the forest between three different forces.  Swords, daggers, & robot claws gash & slash, punch & stab.  A woman is impaled through the body by the robot monster thing.

{Spiritual Content}
In a near-death situation, a character doesn't bother praying being certain there was no god who would listen to him at that point.

No one really has magic in this world, but there are artifacts said to be extremely powerful.

{Language // Alcohol & Drugs}
Several uses of "d---," "bastard," "to hell," and "what the hell."  Many uses of "merde"---which is apparently the French word for "s---".  Other multiple uses of the British slang words "bloody," "bloody hell," "arse," and "arse head."  At least one use of "pissy."

A character drinks from a flask of amber liquid.  A dance club boasts loud music, a bar, and smoky atmosphere.  Characters drink scotch, whiskey, and champagne.  A girl tried her first alcoholic beverage of whiskey at the age of fifteen---you could say she's an alcoholic... 

Medical injections are given to at least two characters to help wounds heal faster---a pulled shoulder & twisted ankle sprain.  A giant needle is plunged into injure area & obviously hurts.

{Romantic Content}
It's implied (and obviously true) that the prince sleeps around.  At one point, a couple pompous, spoiled socialites like to gossip & boast about being with him.  It's also acknowledged that the prince sleeps in the nude.  Addie doesn't bother looking away while he throws on a robe.  She, likewise, strips her clothes off in front of him & hops in the shower while explaining what's going on & why she needs his help.  (No one in this book is particularly modest.  It's explained as part of the culture where there were family & public saunas many attended every week.)

A brief description of how a character's friend has substantially larger "assets" (breasts) than herself.

A husband & wife share a sweet kiss or two in greeting.

A character reminisces on how her mother died before having the "sex talk".  The character didn't prize her virginity, but instead saw it as a hurdle towards adulthood.  So, on her 16th birthday, she went to a guy's room, stripped off her clothes, & they do the thing... She explains her decision that they were expected to marry anyways, might as well see if they were compatible.  Her attitude is very indifferent about it.  And if they ever marry, she doesn't expect him to always be faithful to her, knowing his affinity...

Strapless gowns at a banquet---mention of cleavage.  Several sexual innuendoes.  At one point, a struggles causes her strapless dress to come apart exposing her "assets"---she actually has the dignity to be embarrassed.

Two brother enter after a workout---obviously sweaty & quite shirtless after the exertion.  Addie tries not to notice how well-built both young men are... 

In one scene, Clark & Addie pretend to be lovebirds for the benefit of a cabbie.  Clark throws an arm around her waist & draws her close, and she leans in---surprising herself by how much she enjoys the feel of him so near to her.  

At least one very passionate kiss with Addie sitting in his lap, then moving her legs to straddle him---mention from his perspective of her skirts inching up her thighs... She begins unbuttoning his shirt and they both agree they probably shouldn't be doing "this," but do they stop?? She bites his lip & he loses all rational thought---(BUT WAIT) they DON'T do the thing.  But GOOD GRAVY they got too close & a bit too descriptive, in my opinion...  BE WARNED.

Addie reflects on how she would give men pieces of herself (obviously in the sexual sense)---but never all to one person.  There's a reference to being a horrible match to each other---a match made in hades.

Overall, I enjoyed this story---but it had so much POTENTIAL to be absolutely AMAZING were it not for all the content... I'm still giving it four stars, but please be warned!  This is not what I would call a clean steampunk fantasy, in any way.  A thrilling adventure for sure! with broken & flawed, relatable characters, some [steamy] enemies-to-lovers romance (rather well done, I think), and PLENTY of room for the unexpected plot twists and more delicious plotting to come---warning! cliff hanger!  I enjoyed it despite the content.  IF the sequel ever went on sale, or was miraculously offered for free, I would most likely pick it up.

However, all that said, I can't give a high recommendation due to all the junk.  Still, it was an incredible story with some intriguing world-building (including mystery characters), and one I did actually enjoy.  These are simply my own personal opinions.  If you so desire, you should read it yourself!  This is the reason I write such thorough reviews, so that you are made aware of any content cautions.  :]

FOUR out of FIVE stars due to a fair amount of profanity & sensual content.

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Ages: 18+


  1. That's such a shame this one has so much content, because I am ALWAYS up for steampunk fantasy. It's so fun! Buuut I'll probably pass on this one. I so appreciate your thorough reviews! They're super helpful! <3

    1. I KNOW. TT_TT Why??? It really had such potential, but I found myself constantly cringing & wondered at least twice if it would be a DNF book... SUCH potential... Thanks, girl! If someone had written such a review on this book, I probably wouldn't have picked it up. HEH

  2. Look up Lady of Devices by Shelly Adina for clean steampunk if you haven't read it before. So good!

    1. Ooh! Thanks so much for the rec! I will DEFINITELY look that one up. *^ - ^*


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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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