A Bookish Sarah

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Book Review || Fierce Heart

Fierce Heart
Elven Alliance #1
Tara Grayce

Sword & Cross Publishing | November 26, 2019
Fantasy, Christian Fiction, Young Adult

Essie would do anything for her kingdom...even marry an elf prince she just met that morning.

When a diplomatic meeting goes horribly wrong, Essie, a human princess, finds herself married to the elf prince and warrior Laesornysh. Fitting in to the serene, quiet elf culture might be a little difficult for this talkative princess, but she’s determined to make it work.

With impending war and tenuous alliances, it will be up to Essie to unite her two peoples. And maybe get her hands on elven conditioner while she’s at it.

> > > > > > > > > > < < < < < < < < < <
WARNING: Possible Spoilers!

{The Basics}
Upon reading this novel, it had been quite awhile since I'd read a book so quickly & stayed up laaaaaate to do so.  --->  WOW!!!  The story, the plot, the world building, the characters, the romance---GAHHHHH, I love it so much!!!!!!

Sweet, sweet Essie!  I so enjoyed her character.  I found myself relating to her---not exactly through her talkative, adorable, babbling personality---but through her thought process & clumsy characteristics amidst the elegance of the elves.  Though she definitely exuded an amount of courage that I'm not sure I could have ever done in regards to facing the initial hostility of some people.

And Farrendel.  TT_TT Have I ever mentioned how I love the dark & brooding types?? Yes? Probably.  'Nuff said.  *heart eyes everywhere*


Seriously, guys, I can hardly recommend this enough!  It was such a clean, fun, & engaging read, I was hard-pressed to keep turning pages.  Also, it's almost a steampunk fantasy.  YESSS.  You read that right.  This is set in a fantasy world, with steam-engines AND guns, mixed with swords & bow and arrows.  Truly---it can't get any better than that!  BUT WAIT.  IT CAN: CUZ ELVESSSSSSSSSS.

Like I said, this was such an amazing read!  Very rarely do I ever come away from a story feeling it's totally worth all six of five stars---especially when it comes to content and/or from authors I'm unfamiliar with.   PEOPLE: amazing books do exist!  There are no explicit scenes, no foul language, some violence & romantic content---but overall, this is a book you NEED.  You NEEEEEEED IT.

Read on for the details!

Battles with troll raids at intervals.  Much blood & violence.  A troll ambush keeps a company of travelers pinned down.

Farrendel is described as a death machine.  Later he tries to wash the blood away from his body in a nearby lake---Essie finds him shaking from the toll of his role as a protector.  His body is very much battle-scarred, with marks all over his torso.  Rumors run that he's an assassin.

Another battle involves elemental magic & guns.  More blood & violence.  A man takes three bullets to the abdomen, mortally wounded.

{Spiritual Content}
The elves are gifted with elemental magic.  It seems the majority have abilities with earth & plants.  For instance, in an ambush, some elves quickly use said abilities to grow/create barricades out of the tree roots & vines nearby for protection.

[SPOILER] One character is specially gifted with a more unusual form of magic.  It's not really given a name, but though that character sees it as a curse, they come to realize it protects instead of destroys.

Not much is present by way of spirituality---at least that I recall.

{Language // Alcohol & Drugs}

None that I recall.  Perhaps beverages served at feast and other formal meals.

{Romantic Content}
Essie attends a truce as part of her brother, the king's, company.  They toss around the idea of a marriage alliance as a joke, or tease, until somehow it's taken seriously by the other party & they realize it could certainly benefit both sides.

At one point, Essie catches herself ogling Farrendel's rippling muscles & bare torso covered in scars.  (Her mental process is quite hilarious in these situations... xD)  It's obvious she finds him attractive.  She comes to learn that he holds much insecurity over his scars & fears that she could not love him because of them.  Essie realizes that elves hold perfection in general in very high regard, and tries to make him see that such things would never deter her from caring so deeply.

There's mention that usually marriages (at least human marriages) were consummated to make them official.  Essie wonders if elven marriages were different.  Hers to Farrendel is strictly one of alliance & convenience to begin with.  And she believes she can live with that.  But she soon begins to fall for him.

There's mention of illegitimacy & prostitutes.  [SPOILER!] At one point, we learn that a grieving king, who had recently lost his beloved wife, makes a horrible mistake & seeks forbidden companionship to "help" endure his grief.  As a result, a son is born to him.  He treats the son just as he did his other children---no special treatment, and with just as much love or more.  But it's obvious, the boy grows up feeling like a mistake in the eyes of his people.

All in all, I can't gush ENOUGH about this book.  And did I mention it's a series???  Book 2, War Bound, releases April 21st!!!!! I NEEEEED.  If you are looking for a fun, clean fantasy that's a total page-turner, I recommend this book.  It has ELVES.  Also, steam-engines.  Also, magic!  Also, romance!

Essie & Farrendel's relationship was so beautiful.  It was well paced, adorably sweet, & just---ASLDKFJALKS.  TT_TT  Exactly what love & marriage should be.  You don't see such things in stories (or the world, for that matter) anymore.


So, yes.  You NEED this book.

Go.  Go now.
Read it!!!

> > > > > > > > > > < < < < < < < < < <
a hearty SIX of FIVE stars
Ages: 16+


  1. I apparently need this book. :O I mean, ELVES AND STEAMPUNK???? GOOD GRACIOUS. SIGN ME UP. And I love how you gave it SIX stars. XD Okay, yeah, I NEED IT.

    1. YESSSSSS. You of all people most certain-definitely NEED THIS BOOK!! Haha xD Yes, well, it was a well-deserved 6-star rating ;D

  2. Ooh, this sounds so good - you sold me. I think I'll have to check it out now!

    1. YESSSSSSS -->Do it!!!! xD

      (p.s. The sequel is JUST AS AMAZINGGG)


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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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