A Bookish Sarah

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Review >> These Mortal Wings

Happy, happy Friday!

I dunno about you, but Fridays basically say "weekend is here!" to me.  :D  Aaaand I get to share another book review, and in so doing feel rather accomplished for the afternoon.  Haha.

And boy, do I have an awesome doozy for you today! 

If you are not familiar with this particular author, I would encourage you to check out her Crown of Stars series---they are fantasy, faerietale retellings & they are AMAZING.  One of my all-time favorite series!  The world-building, the characters, and the stories are so engaging & I can almost guarantee you'll be sucked in from the start.


You need to read them!

Needless to say, when I heard she had a new series releasing, I definitely wanted in!  And while this is a completely different genre from what I was accustomed to reading from Elizabeth, it did not disappoint, and I'm left needing MORE.

Read on for my review!

And be on the lookout for the release:

February 22, 2022

> > > > > < < < < <

Adverse Devices #1
Elizabeth D. Marie

expected publication | February 22, 2022
Christian Fiction, Sci-Fi (kinda), Urban Fantasy


In Lebab, man walks in the shadow of the White Tower, taking for themselves many wives and sacrificing their children to the gods who rule the great city. Society sees only one purpose for women: to increase the honor and prestige of their husbands by bearing sons. Without a male relation to take charge of them, they are left destitute and cast-out into the poor sectors.

Elishah relies on her brother to provide for her; he has always protected her and encouraged her to pursue her dreams of dancing.

Until a devastating explosion leaves her alone in the world.

One man steps forward in the aftermath, to tell her she has a rare and powerful gift…

The Wings fight to protect mankind from an ancient evil that has been spreading its poisoned roots throughout the city since the beginning of time—from a world that lives unseen beneath the surface.

And the legendary gods of Babel are rising once again.

Yehoshua knows his fellow Wings cannot win this battle alone. Elishah could be the key to a long-forsaken genetic code. With her help, they could defeat Babel once and for all.

If he can convince her of the ability flowing through her veins….

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I was provided with a complimentary copy thanks to the author for my honest review.
WARNING: Possible Spoilers!

A whole new take on the ancient Biblical history of the Tower of Babel & how far Man falls.  There's an Urban Fantasy feel to the story, almost dystopian, with a rich sense of culture---albeit a sadly deceived & paganistic culture.

I believe as the series progresses, the characters will be more fleshed out & grow in their particular arcs, but with Elishah, I kept getting the sense that she was far younger & not as mature as her 30+ years would make her.  However, I gave mental grace having been given an ARC copy not yet finalized---and enjoyed the novel all the same.  I absolutely LOVED sweet cinnamon roll Yehoshua.  And that is all I will say about him for now. ;D

Beginning pages enter the aftermath of a warzone: debris & destruction everywhere, shrapnel, and injuries.  A woman holds the body of a bloodied child; a man clutches a mangled leg; another holds a hand across his left eye.  A man is impaled in the chest by a piece of shrapnel---we see his face before an explosion decimates the place.

We learn that a man & his team were unjustly executed by bullets to the head, & families basically exiled to the slums of the city.

A woman is attacked inside her apartment---someone grabs her & puts a hand to her mouth in order to silence any sounds.  An officer rushes in to the rescue---glass is broken, a gun is fired, followed by a hand-to-hand combat between officer & assailant.  A man's nose is broken, spurting blood.  A man falls five stories to the sidewalk below... 

There's a report of an apparent suicide: a man had fallen from the second story of a building & been impaled by the iron fence...

There is a fight between a Hunter & two Wings---swords clash, hand-to-hand combat; a man takes a cut to the neck.  A character uses their abilities, lashing out in anger at a group of baddies, unintentionally injuring their own partner (small cuts to the face).  A man turns an officer's gun onto the guy's fellow men---while their protective vests take the brunt, there's a lot of blood & many are terribly injured.  Another nose is broken & blood gushes.

In this pagan culture, people look to the gods, to whom they've been indoctrinated to from birth to death.  They pray to them & give sacrifices... Women are seen as property & treated as such, often abused.  Daughters are given as sacrifices in the White Tower.  Young girls hope to attend the prestigious Dance Theater, many desperately praying to be chosen as a wife to a god or half-god (having no other hope for a brighter future).

The elite group of officers, known as Wings, fight a more supernatural side of evil that normal citizens are ignorant of (or choose to ignore).  Every now & then, Elishah sees visions & images in reflections that seem to depict the true form of the world around them---that the gods actually dwell in an underworld with a blood-red sun & monsters like demons.

Many pray & offer sacrifices to the sun-god.  Some men are overtaken by acts of aggression, their eyes turning completely black---almost as if they are possessed by a demon.  A man fights another---swords clash, and he takes a wound to the shoulder before he's tossed over the side of a building.

None.  Characters "curse" & the like, but no words are ever used.

A male nurse attempts to give a wounded patient some form of drug in a syringe, but is stopped by another party.  The people of the city are required yearly vaccinations.  And pregnant women receive some kind of vaccination every month during pregnancy.

[SPOILER!] We learn the story of Elishah's birth & how her twin brother was stillborn before her surprise arrival (not realizing there were twins).  Her parents believed the vaccinations were the cause.

Mention of beer & kegs of wine.  At a wake, alcohol & other spirits are served to those who attend.  A man's teeth are yellowed from too much alcohol consumption.  Another man's breath smells briefly of alcohol.  Elishah's brother owned & worked at a local bar, but never drank.

Drugs are prevalent among those considered displaced.  A woman reeks of cigarettes & alcohol.  We learn Elishah's mother took to the drugs as an escape & how Elishah watched them change her over time.  

Yehoshua & Elishah embrace many times, tenderly, but not in a romantic way---more in a protective/comforting way.  There's attraction between them, obviously, but no kisses or the like.

A woman is referred to as the 5th wife of a man.  A man boldly allows his eyes to take in a girl's figure.  Men come to a woman's apartment to seek her as a wife---almost like interviews.  One is waaaaay too touchy & tells her he requires a "guarantee" before agreeing to marriage (and that if she bore a son, she would be well taken care of).  She tells him she can give no guarantee & tries to avoid his touch.

All in all, this was a wild, fantastical ride.  And WARNING ended on a literal cliff hanger.  I read the ending sentences & basically thought: "Wait, that's it?  It's OVER??"  xDDD Haha, you'll definitely be left wanting more!

Other than the more mature implications of the pagan culture & the rather bloody content of violence, this is a clean, action-packed work of fiction, & one I enjoyed!  Also, the author makes a note in the beginning that this story began in 2019, before all the hype of a certain virus & vaxxing... Quite relevant in our times today, unfortunately.  The story itself, doesn't go hugely into detail or blow up the topic in any way, but it is clearly a key component of the plot.

So, if you're looking for a more Urban Fantasy with a bit of violence, clean romance (if any), and an elite squad of winged men, look no further!  I think you'll enjoy this one.  ;D

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Ages: 16+


  1. Wow! This sounds SO unique! Thank you so much for sharing about it!


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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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