Gender: Masculine
Usage: German
Pronunciation: AH-mahnt
Meaning & History
German form of the Late Roman name Amandus, which is taken from the Latin amanda, meaning "lovable, worthy of love."
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Spanish, Italian, English, Ancient Greek
Pronunciation: yoo-LAY-lee-ah
Meaning & History
From a Greek name meaning "to talk well," derived from the elements ευ "good" and laleo "to talk." This was the given name of a patron saint and martyr of Spain during the early 4th century.
Gender: Masculine
Usage: Biblical
Pronunciation: EE-dem (English)
Meaning & History
Means "red" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, Esau, eldest twin of Jaco and son of Isaac, is given this name by God, having
traded his birthright for a serving of red broth.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Greek, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Hungarian, English
Pronunciation: PET-rah, PEH-trah
Meaning & History
Gender: Masculine
Usage: German
Pronunciation: AH-mahnt
Meaning & History
German form of the Late Roman name Amandus, which is taken from the Latin amanda, meaning "lovable, worthy of love."
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Spanish, Italian, English, Ancient Greek
Pronunciation: yoo-LAY-lee-ah
Meaning & History
From a Greek name meaning "to talk well," derived from the elements ευ "good" and laleo "to talk." This was the given name of a patron saint and martyr of Spain during the early 4th century.
Gender: Masculine
Usage: Biblical
Pronunciation: EE-dem (English)
Meaning & History
Means "red" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, Esau, eldest twin of Jaco and son of Isaac, is given this name by God, having
traded his birthright for a serving of red broth.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Greek, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Hungarian, English
Pronunciation: PET-rah, PEH-trah
Meaning & History
Feminine form of Peter, meaning "stone." This was also the name of an ancient city in the region now known as Jordan.
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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.