Happy weekend, all!I hope you fare well this fine January day. Happy New Year!! Today, I have a brief review of a Middle-Grade graphic novel. Who doesn't love a good sci-fi every now & then? It is my personal opinion that one should dabble in a variety of genres and not simply stick with…
I am BAAAAAAACKKK!!! If only for a book review, haha. But that totally counts.For those few who still follow this poor, abandoned little blog, I adore you! It is my hope to rekindle my relationship with Blogger and post the book reviews I have neglected over the past two/three(?) years, as this is…
04 Nov 24
It's a new week, friends---happy Wednesday! I cannot believe April is basically half over already. Which means in a little over a month, we will be welcoming our THIRD halfling to our little family! But, you're probably not here for updates... ;D
So--- TODAY, I have a new Name post (at las…
So--- TODAY, I have a new Name post (at las…
20 Apr 22
Hullo, friends!I've a new review for you today. And this one has ALL the feel of a Princess Diaries story. :D
Set in AFRICA.
Yes!Read on! --->
> > > > > < < < < < In Search of a Prince Toni Shiloh
Bethany House Publishers | February 1st, 2022 Christian Fiction, Clean…
Set in AFRICA.
Yes!Read on! --->
> > > > > < < < < < In Search of a Prince Toni Shiloh
Bethany House Publishers | February 1st, 2022 Christian Fiction, Clean…
18 Mar 22