A Bookish Sarah

encouragement & bookish things

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

welcome to my blog

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Marcus >> June Promptlies Week 4

Happy Friday! It's Week 2 of my June Promptlies Link-up! ClickHEREfor the info.  :]
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I had loads of fun penning this little tale. Read my short story below!

> > THE PROMPT < <


> > MY STORY < <
“On a scale of one to Austral…

Book Review || We Hunt the Flame

We Hunt the Flame
Sands of Arawiya #1
Hafsah Faizal

Farrar, Straus, Giroux | May 14, 2019
Fiction, Fantasy

People lived because she killed.
People died because he lived.

Zafira is the Hunter, disguising herself as a man when she braves the cursed forest of the Arz to feed her people. Nasir is …

What's in a Name? || Nicknames!

Happy Monday to you, friends!
How was your weekend?
Ready for some new nicknames?? I believe I missed this post last month, but it's back! :]

Also, I wish you to be aware: this little blog will be undergoing a teensy bit of change this week!  I'm updating the template & hopefully it'll…

June Promptlies >> Week 4

Welcome, WELCOME! Today marks the fourth & FINAL week of my writerly link-up!

This is a writerly link-up---and by that I mean it's geared towards hobby writers, storytellers, & aspiring authors (as well as published ones!)---but it's ABSOLUTELY open to EVERYONE.

For the lovely month o…

June Promptlies >> Week 3 Wrap-up

Hullo, my lovelies!  It's the weekend! And it's officially Summertime! Though to be honest, I think our summers here in the South begin in MAY. . .
Anywho, just popping in for a quick wrap-up.

SO. It's TERRIBLE when the actual hostess of a linkup fails to share a post herself to said linkup…

Book Review || Mortal Engines

Mortal Engines
(Mortal Engines Quartet #1)
Philip Reeve

Scholastic | July 5th, 2018
Young Adult, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Fiction

London is a city on wheels - a future city like you've never known before. In the terrible aftermath of the Sixty Minute War, cities which survived the apocalypse bec…

What's in a Name? || Surnames Edition

Happy Tuesday! We're a day off the usual routine, but no worries there.  Life happens, am I right? ;D

It's the third week of June, which means I've got a set of surnames for you today.  And they're all featured from English origin. :] Enjoy!
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June Promptlies >> Week 3

Welcome, WELCOME, one & all! Today begins Week 3 of my writerly link-up!
I know it's Monday.  But yesterday I woke up a bit under the weather & with no energy to get this post up yesterday. . . So here we are! 
My usual Name post will be up tomorrow! never fear. :]

This is a writerly link…

Lizzie (& Griff) >> June Promptlies #2

Happy Friday!!! It's Week 2 of my June Promptlies Link-up! ClickHEREfor the info.  :]
> > > > > < < < < <

Soooooo. . . I did a thing.  AGAIN.Yeah.  I kinda brainstormed another story idea---which kinda is an old story I'd thought up a year or two ago but never rea…

What's in a Name?

Good Monday to you, friends!
How was you weekend, may I ask?  Mine was lovely, albeit a little rainy.
Our little garden is finally coming in! It struggled so for quite a while, but is looking so good now & shouldn't be too much longer before I can bring in fresh veggies. *drools*  Do you &am…

ppl love these

February Snippets!
Here are some Snippets from last month.  These hail from my WIP Safia and another project I'm …
Name Reveal!
Happy November! I don't know about you, but as I sit & type up this little post, I have the …
Book Review | The Goblin Crown
Hello, lovelies!  Just now attempting to get back into the swing of things here in the blog world. …
Book Review | When Mountains Move
Well, no worries, my lovelies!  This review will be rather short.  Simply because. . . I didn'…