A Bookish Sarah

encouragement & bookish things

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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March Wrap >> Hullo, April!

One of the tulips at my front porch. // photo by me

It's the last day of March!  WHAAAAAAAT.
And yes, I know I've missed my usual posts---especially the Name posts, and I beg apologies to my faithful readers!  TT_TT I'll have new names for you soon, I promise.  :]

I thought I'd take this day to share a kind of March wrap-up.  Something I don't do often, or even remotely regularly, but it's time for an update.  Also, there are some exciting things coming up.  :D

First things first,
Yesterday, I began
(duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuuuum!)

Haha.  Today is Day 2, and while Gabriel has had several accidents, they are completely expected, and he seems to be beginnning to understand exactly what big-boy underwear is.  xD  Before his nap this afternoon, he came running to me to let me know he had to go (no words yet, just his cute exclamations), and promptly proceeds to pee in the floor.  *cue laugh-sigh*  We're getting there!  But that played a huge part for me not getting yesterday's Name post up. 

March Wrap-up

March was a lovely month!  It's always such a joy to see the beginnings of Spring show their colors during this month.  For instance, I planted tulips in two little pots this past Winter, and they've displayed their blooms at last---are they not lovely?

Another tulip at my front deck. // photo by me

Before all the virus junk & the self-quarantine recommendations, Gabe & I enjoyed coffee playdates with a couple friends this past month.  It's always so encouraging to meet & laugh & chat with my girls.  I'm beyond grateful for their friendship & support---especially their patience when Gabriel is tired & acting out.  ;D  Love you bunches, Heather, Jennifer, & Ashley!!! <333

I've had the opportunity to make a little spending money thanks to the family business.  Gabriel & I help my mum-in-law clean the houses (new and/or existing properties) for our family's contracting business.  It can be long & hard work, but I'm grateful for the little bit of income it provides for my bad spending habits.  xD  It will be put to good use!  Books definitely count.

Gabriel had his 18-month check-up appointment in early March & he did sooooo well despite it being scheduled during his afternoon naptime... Can't believe he's a year & a half old already!

Went to our little cousin Kelsa's fourth birthday party on the 9th.  Always fun times!  Sold several clothing items to eBay customers throughout the month.  (More spending $$!! haha)  Tried out our new bike trailer for Gabe on one of the local trails & my family's farm.  Was so sore the next few days, but Gabe loved riding!  My aunt gave me three whole trash bags full of little boy clothes---we love hand-me-downs!  It was such a blessing as I did not have any warm-weather clothing for him & would have had to purchase some.  <3  And prepped & researched for potty training---felt mentally exhausted, but quite ready & excited to begin.  All considering, Gabriel has done well.  :]

April Excitement


Are you taking part in Camp NaNo?  To be completely honest, I enjoy Camp much more so than NaNo itself in November.  Probably because I can set my own pace & not stress myself out (though that can happen, even at my own pace---HEH).

I plan to work on Noya's story again.  The goal is to finally complete the first draft!  It feels like it's gonna be a lot of grunt work to do so, but everything worth while takes time & effort.  So excited to start digging into the story again!  I don't feel prepared, but that's the beauty of Camp: you set your own goals that work for you.


Coming soon!

  • Moonscript by H.S.J. Williams
  • Fierce Heart by Tara Grayce
  • Unexplainable Jesus (8-week Bible study through Luke's gospel) by Erica Wiggenhorn

I've considered this for some time.  But it's been something in the back of my mind for AGES---actually, probably ever since the film Mom's Night Out was released... HAHA 

*DEEP breath*
I'm creating a Mommy Blog!
*^ - ^*

The site has not yet been launched, nor do I have any articles or resources prepped & ready, BUUUUUUUUUT.  This is certainly becoming a passion of mine!  I've been blessed beyond measure to have the family & friends God has given me, and they've supported me through thick & thin, and I honestly don't know how I would have survived this mama-thing without their encouragement & advice.  I've learned So. MUCH.  And that knowledge is what I desire to share with other young mamas, mamas-to-be, & singles-hoping-to-one-day-be-mamas.  

This blog will still be running strong for all my bookish things, reviews, & writings.  Once launched, I will be posting rather sparsely on the new mommy blog---possibly once per week, or even a post every two weeks.  I haven't decided, but either way, it will be totally achievable because I cannot function with stress or messy houses.  ;D  

While I hope to keep creating my word art, and even begin fiddling more with embroidery, my Etsy shop is deactivated for the foreseeable future.  Wait, you had an Etsy shop??  Surprisingly, I've been making a steady amount of eBay sales just from the preowned clothing I list there.  So, I'm focusing on my duties as a wife & mama, decluttering my closet for eBay, blogging as a hobby, making sure my spiritual growth is where it needs to be, & my gift of Time is well spent.

Also, I'm playing with WordPress for this blog... It's a completely different universe compared to my safe & familiar Blogger.  If any of you WP users have advice or suggestions, I would GLADLY take it!  And with your permission, I maaaaaay contact you directly with my questions.  ^ _ ^ HEH

> > > > > > > > > > < < < < < < < < < <


How was your month of March?  Are you & yours keeping well with all this virus & insanity going around?  Have you taken the time to literally stop & smell the flowers?

Are you partaking of Camp NaNo this April?  If so, happy writing!  What project(s) are you working on?

What do you think of mommy blogs?  Are they even an interest to you in your season of life?  Do you know someone who might benefit from research & experience in cultivating good character in children, sleep training methods, & nutrition?  If so, keep posted, & I'll announce when my new blog launches!!!

TTFN, dearies.


  1. I cannot believe it's the last day of March! And yet, at the same time, it feels like March just draaaagged on. It's been...an interesting month, that's for sure. But awwww! It sounds like Gabe is making so many milestones! I applaud you on taking on potty training. I hope it goes well! And that's fantastic you're finding little ways to make money! :D

    Oh my goodness, your tulips are gorgeous! *heart-eyes* They're so happy looking! ^_^

    EEEEEEE!!! YOU'RE DOING CAMP NANO. AND MAKING PROGRESS ON NOYA. This is sooooo exciting! I do hope the writing goes WONDERFULLY!

    Oh my goodness, a mommy blog! That is so perfect. You are such a precious mama! <333 I ADORE this idea. You've got so many exciting things going. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!

    I do hope you have the most amazing month, m'dear! <3

    1. I feel the same! And yes, he has certainly come a long way. And he's such a quick learner---makes me so proud! (PLUS, he LOVES books <--GINORMOUS bonus) ;D Thank you, dear girl!

      Aww, thanks! Tulips are a happy flower---I never thought of them that way before. They're so cheery though!

      YESSSSSSS. And I just saw that you are joining too!!!!!!! SOOOOO happy for you! Best of luck to you on TNI! I canNOT wait to hear how you progress with the editing! Happy writing, dear heart!

      *^ - ^* You are surely the SWEETEST. Thank you! <333

      And the same to you, Christine!!! <3

  2. Potty training! *sends all the well wishes* Y'all got this! :D

    Love that tulip photo! ♥

    It sounds like you had a busy and lovely month! Hand-me-downs are so wonderful when it comes to little ones. It's always sooooo hard to find clothes for my oldest nephew now that he's three, but we've been blessed by a few people who have boys a little older than him who pass stuff down for him to try.

    Yay, you're doing Camp too! So excited for all the Noya updates! Are you in a cabin already?

    Can't wait for your review of Moonscript! It's high up on my TBR list once it releases.

    Oooh, your new blog graphic is sooooo pretty! I can't wait to see what you'll be sharing once it launches. Even though I'm not a mom, I have my nephew with me quite a lot, so I look forward to your advice and posts and things! (Side note: Mom's Night Out is such a fun one, isn't it?)

    Wishing you a happy April!

    1. Thank you so much! He's doing sooooo well! *^ _ ^*

      And thanks! It brings such joy to see the blooms. <3

      We did! And yes---I always loved receiving hand-me-downs from my cousins & friends of my mum. I believe it! I was going to have to go shopping for little boy clothes & my aunt called out of the blue asking if we needed any. I said, "Actually, yes!" Such a blessing!

      Haha! Me too! ;D Yes, I am. Are you? Happy writing, girl!!!!

      I'm 90% done with it & OHMIGOODNESSSSSSSS. It's AMAZINGGGGGGGG. I'll be sharing a mini review at some point---I'm taking part in the book tour in May, & will post the full review then. Just so ya know. But you'll love it! I just know you will!!!!!

      Thank you! It's still a work in progress, that's for sure. And I'm not even positive when I'll launch, but hoping maybe next month. *fingers crossed* Hahahaha! YESSSSS. I LOVE that movie so much! xDDD

      Thank you, dear girl! Happy April to you as well!!! <3

  3. Aww little Gabe is growing up and getting potty-trained! And I'm glad to hear about new mama blog, I'll look forward to it!

    1. Yes, he is! He's doing so well, and growing so fast! Thanks, girlie! It warms my heart to hear such support!! <333

  4. I'm so excited about Camp NaNo this time around!! Julian Daventry and I are working on a story together, which has helped keep motivation up so much more than if I were to work on something by myself. We're both in love with the story and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

    So exciting that you're hoping to finish the draft this month! You've got this!!

    It's so cool that you're starting a mommy blog!!!

    I hope April treats you well and that this whole COVID-19 thing gets cleared up soon.

    1. That sounds SO FUNNNN!!! How awesome! Happy writing, girl! I'd love to hear more of this story!!!

      Awww, thanks so much! I'm totally pantsing it right now, so we'll see... ;D

      Yes! It's something that's certainly been on my heart & mind for quite a while now. I'm planning to take this month to pray & see if it's a direction I should go. :]

      I hope the same for you, dear heart! And YESSSS. I'm ready for this insanity to be gone. Happy April, Sarah!!! <3


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To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass, and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.

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