A Bookish Sarah

encouragement & bookish things

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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What's in a Name?

Gender:  Masculine
Usage:  Hebrew, English, Bibilcal, Biblical Latin
Pronunciation:MAL-ǝ-kie (English)

Meaning & History
From the Hebrew name Mal'akhiy, meaning "my messenger" or "my angel."  This was the given name of one of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Test…

Book Review [The Shadow Things]

The Shadow Things
Jennifer Freitag

Publisher:  Ambassador-Emerald International
Genre:  YA ?
Released:  2010

The Legions have left the province of Britain and the Western Roman Empire has dissolved into chaos. With the world plunged into darkness, paganism and superstition are as rampant as …

A + A Friday!

Falling out of bed while trying to plug your phone into its charger.  Then, laughing hysterically and being unable to explain why you fell out of bed, something that hasn't happened for probably 15 years.Receiving a text message (the loud, resounding sounds of chickens clucking, "M…

A Word, Guv'na?

nephelolater Google Search noun  a person who admires clouds
This is an obsolete (out-of-date), late 19th century word.  No longer in use. Unless, of course, you use it.  :]

This definition describes my sister Jenny all the way, who is all the time drawing our attention to the clouds.  Just another be…

What's in a Name?

Gender:  Masculine
Usage:  Biblical
Pronunciation:  ROO-ǝl

Meaning & History
Means "friend of God" in Hebrew.  A famous bearer of this name is John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (J.R.R. Tolkien), author of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and many more fantasy novels.

Gender:  Feminine

A + A Friday!

Walking normally in the house until you come to floors that have just been mopped but you forgot until your feet get wet, so you throw a panicked Silly Walk and try to get to the safe, dry side.Waiting to rinse an apple in cold water while your sister finishes washing dishes.  You put your …

Book Review [Living So That]

Living So That
Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life
Wendy Blight

Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Genre:  Bible Study
Released:  2014

[rear cover]
Living So That is a fresh approach to understanding God's Word, focusing on many of the powerful "so that" verses in Scripture, in…

A Man Called Love

New poem, by me, Sarah (pen name: Sarah Sackett).  :]

He speaks in a whisper, rarely a shout; His arms are Comfort; He drives away Doubt. His Word is a sword, sharp and sheer; His hands, always open, are warm and dear. He came for sinners, the vilest…

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The world would wish us to believe we celebrate this "holiday" for all things green and Irish.  But it is so much more.  We recognize this particular day as the anniversary of the death of a great man of God, Maewyn Succat, later christened Saint Patrick, a missionary to Ireland and a de…

A + A Friday!

Painting a door where you are sitting on the floor and your sister is beside you (with another sister above. Yeah, how many does it take to paint one door?).  She is painting the far left right in front of you, while you are painting the far right in front of her. . . Erm.  Easy solution to…

What's in a Name? [Surnames]

Wow.  I haven't blogged all week. . . O_o  And it seems today you may get two posts in one day.

Because it's Friday.  Remember?  A + A Fridays?  Yep.  Don't forget to check back later!

Ahem.  Looking back in my archived posts, I realized I have only published one TWO rounds of surname…

Awkward + Awesome! (A+A Fridays)

Hullo, dear readers!  I've decided to begin a new set of posts to be published every Friday as a kind of summary of my week.  Boring, maybe.  But. . .

The idea comes from Olivia, of Fresh Modesty, and her Awkward+Awesome posts.  Love them!  They always bring a smile, which I guess is the purpo…

ppl love these

February Snippets!
Here are some Snippets from last month.  These hail from my WIP Safia and another project I'm …
Name Reveal!
Happy November! I don't know about you, but as I sit & type up this little post, I have the …
Book Review | When Mountains Move
Well, no worries, my lovelies!  This review will be rather short.  Simply because. . . I didn'…
Book Review | The Goblin Crown
Hello, lovelies!  Just now attempting to get back into the swing of things here in the blog world. …