A Bookish Sarah

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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Book Review | The Goblin Crown

Hello, lovelies!  Just now attempting to get back into the swing of things here in the blog world.
I've a review for you, but alas, none of my photos would upload, so it's rather boring.  Still, I've left a link if you wish to see the cover and description on Goodreads.

Thanks!  And be watching for wedding photos!!

The Goblin Crown

Billy Smith & the Goblins
Robert Hewitt Wolfe

Billy Smith is having a rough first day of high school. The new kid at exclusive Francis Drake Prep, Billy embarrasses himself in front of fiery, beautiful Lexi Aquino. He makes an instant enemy in Kurt Novac, the school's surly star quarterback. 
          Then suddenly Billy, Lexi, and Kurt are mysteriously transported to an underworld teeming with goblins, strange animal hybrids, and powerful magic the fact that they re stuck there is probably Billy s fault, too. With help from an unlikely goblin leader named Hop, the teens soon discover that goblins can be both fierce and friendly, with their own rich language, culture, and history a history that foretells of a human arriving to claim the Goblin Crown and lead them to victory against the deadly, invading Hanorians. 
          Could Billy anxious, awkward Billy be the mythical Goblin King? Could saving the goblin race be his destiny and the key to getting him, Lexi, and Kurt back home?


[The Basics]
Billy is a freshman in high school, and he is accustomed to being an outcast.  So, it's no surprise when he fumbles at school and makes a fool of himself in front of cute Lexi and the entirety of the cafeteria.

With his dad suffering from cancer, his mum working hard to pay the bills, and Billy enduring long days at school and bullies from the start, one would think he would wish to magically be transported to another world.  At one point, during what he believes is a panic attack, that's exactly what happens.  And Billy the Nobody is given a chance to be a true hero.

Billy is compassionate in a way.  He looks out for the weaker ones, stands up to the bullies, even when he's knock-kneed himself, and has a big heart. 

Bullying.  Language.  

There are a couple surprisingly descriptive battles.  I was admittedly a little surprised at the gore, simply because I assumed this novel was meant for pre-teen/teen readers.

Lots of blood and corpses.  Wasting diseases.  Burned villages.  Wounded and dying men and goblins.  Pincushioned corpse with dozens of arrows sticking from his back.  

Cuts, scrapes, bruises, broken bones, bodies burnt to ash, others frozen, arrow wounds, swords, etc. 

A sweet, goblin girl is killed, with her head smashed in from debris.  A bad guy's head is carried away on a spike and paraded through a crowd.  

It's joked that at goblin funerals, they used to chop up the dead and use them for fertilizer in crops and gardens, while some used to eat a bit of their own relatives. . . (Wasn't very humorous to me. . .)

[Spiritual Content]
There are wizards and magic.  Goblin monks and Templars worship a Night Goddess, while the Hanorian Celestials (humans that are outcasts from other humans) referred to Father Day and Mother Night.  Basically, they sound like hippies.  ;D

[Language, Alcohol & Drugs]
Three uses of "d---."  One use of "Oh, h--- no," and another of "Oh God," and "Oh my God."

Beer and ale.  

Billy likes Lexi, who is fiery and possesses quite a bit of spunk.  He finds her "cute" and adorable.  No kissy-smooches, though! You're safe!

Overall, I liked this intriguing tale.  But, due to the language and content, I was rather disappointed.  Because of that, I would most likely not recommend for younger readers under 16 years of age--at least.

Still, it was a thrilling story with goblin language and culture, wizards and magic, and much action.


Recommended ages:  16+
3.5-4 out of 5 stars



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