A Bookish Sarah

encouragement & bookish things

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

welcome to my blog

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A "Hello!" and a "Just so ya know. . ."

Well, hello!  I just wanted to wish everyone a beautiful last day of June.  Gah!  Can you believe July begins tomorrow??  Summer, please stay longer.  Stop flying away!

And I also wanted to let you know that this little blog will not be as active (if you can call these scattered posts "activ…

A + A. . . er, Saturday! :]


When you're on your sister's computer, and of a sudden it becomes possessed, opening up camera mode and you have NO idea how.  Your fingers are innocently scrolling through the page and BAM! it happens again!  So many times, you actually lose count until you are ready to hit the thi…

The Olaf Award!

My dear friend, Lauri, from Musings of an Elf, has graciously awarded me. . .

Oh, thank you, my friend! These are such fun.  And it's Olaf!  What more can I say? :]
1. Answer the award questions. 
2. Pass the award on to however many bloggers you choose, using the same or your own questio…

What's in a Name?

Excuses, excuses.  I know.  I have missed yet another A + A Friday.  I hope this won't become a habit. . . But I do feel like I had a good reason!
I had the A + A post saved in drafts and nearly ready to publish on Friday, but somehow it wasn't.  Obviously.  Anyways, that night we went to …

Daddy's Day!

Happy Father's Day! to my Daddy. I couldn't have asked for a better father to serve as the godly, Christian example that a leader and protector of the home should display.  He serves as a strong and steady anchor for my family and I thank my God for him.
I love you, Daddy! and I'll alw…

A + A Friday!

Happy Friday, my friends!  I'm catching up from missing an A + A last week.
Hope you've had a lovely day so far!  Thanks for taking the time to stop by.  :]


When sneezes sneak up on you. . .When you can make yourself laugh.  For example, I know a certain girl who can tickle her own …

What's in a Name?

Wow!  This marks the 50th Name post!  Whoa.  That means approximately 200 names have been featured on this here blog.  :O  Double WOW!  That's "beyond awesome.  It's be-awesome!"  ;D

On to the names!

Gender:  Masculine
Usage:  Japanese
Pronunciation:  tah-KEH-shee (possibly)


Book Review | A Deadly Business

A Deadly Business
A Mia Quinn Mystery
Lis Wiehl with April Henry

Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Genre:  Christian Adult Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
Released:  2014

If the hours don't kill you, the accused just might.

Mia Quinn is a Seattle prosecutor working on high profile cases in the Violent…

Random Hullo! [update and video]

Argh.  I missed another A + A Friday post!  I could go on and on making excuses, like how we were out of town all day Friday, then went to Dollywood all day Saturday, and that we've been weed-eating fence rows every day this week, but you know.  Excuses, excuses.

So, I thought I'd share a …

What's in a Name?

Here's a set of Biblical names for you.  Most originate from Hebrew.

Remember, if you have any requests regarding names with certain meanings, or "genres" (Fantasy, Victorian, Scandinavian, etc.), don't hesitate to comment!

Gender:  Masculine
Usage:  Biblical
Pronunciation:  te…

ppl love these

February Snippets!
Here are some Snippets from last month.  These hail from my WIP Safia and another project I'm …
Name Reveal!
Happy November! I don't know about you, but as I sit & type up this little post, I have the …
Book Review | When Mountains Move
Well, no worries, my lovelies!  This review will be rather short.  Simply because. . . I didn'…
Book Review | The Goblin Crown
Hello, lovelies!  Just now attempting to get back into the swing of things here in the blog world. …