A Bookish Sarah

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Book Review | Death at Thorburn Hall

Death at Thorburn Hall
Drew Farthering Mystery #6
Julianna Deering

Bethany House Publishers | November 7th, 2017
Clean, Christian Fiction; Mysteries; Historical

Drew Farthering finds a new mystery on his hands when he arrives at Thorburn Hall in Scotland for the 1935 British Open. His host, Lord Rainsby, asks Drew to investigate a suspected embezzler--then dies in a suspicious accident the next day. However, the house is full of guests with potential motives. Can Drew discover the killer among them?

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WARNING: Possible Spoilers

{The Basics}
Yet another cozy mystery from Julianna Deering (DeAnna Julie Dodson)!  This lovely novel is the sixth in a series of stories featuring the amateur sleuth, Drew Farthering, and his merry band of friends.  Together, there's nothing their joint minds cannot detect.  If you haven't yet stumbled upon these delicious novels, find the first one here --> Rules of Murder. . .

Drew, his wife Madeline, his best friend Nick, and Nick's timid girlfriend Carrie, find much more than they bargained for at his distant cousin's estate of Thorburn Hall.  They were extended an invitation by the lord and lady of the house to see the 1935 British Open, a golf tournament.  But their vacation is soon interrupted by an unexpected death, and too many suspects, and far too many questions.

Drew is the kind of gentleman who is polite and easy to talk to.  He is extremely observant of events and circumstances pertaining to them, and has a discerning eye when it comes to a person's character.  This aids him in his detecting.  While he doesn't go looking for trouble, trouble always seems to find him.

Madeline is very supportive of her husband, Drew, and is a great encouragement to him.  I love their relationship!  It is sweet and loving, and they are open and honest with each other, even in times of high-stress.  Every couple has their trifles, but it was so nice to see how Drew and Madeline worked as a team, and how they each compliment the other.  (A beautiful example of a healthy marriage!)

A woman makes to attempt suicide, and Drew does everything in his power to stop her.

{Spiritual Content}
While faith is not so obvious as to be thrown in your face, it is quite evident in the actions of our main characters.  Drew and Madeline pray often, and witness to those around them, but not in a Bible-thumping, outrageous way.  They shine the Light by living in the Light.

Mention of characters attending church.  A couple characters send prayers to God for protection or in the midst of frustration or relief.  One character briefly witnesses to another on their hospital-bed, sharing their faith in a simply, honest way.

A man falls to his death riding horseback.  We "see" his body from where he landed and note that his neck is at a grotesque angle.  It was suspected as a tragic accident, but later it is learned that his saddle had been sabotaged.  Another man is poisoned.  Two men are shot in the chest (one lives).

A woman makes to throw herself from the rooftop in an act of suicide.  <-- [SPOILER: She had planned it so she would land on the balcony eight feet below and escape. . .]

(There is an entire subplot underlying this tale, but to explain would give it away.  You'll just have to read it!  It's early in history, but there is much talk and political debate regarding a certain Mr. Hitler and his doings in Berlin. . .)

{Lanuage; Alcohol & Drugs}
None.  Other than the narration stating that a character shouted "foul epithets" in their direction or some such description regarding language that was never spelled out.

Several characters smoke cigarettes all throughout the novel.  One in particular does so CONSTANTLY.  You later learn it's part of their personality and them giving in to unhealthy habits and stress.   A man is poisoned by a wine bottle.  Men share beers, cider, and information in a local pub. 

{Love-y Content}
Madeline and Drew are married, and they would love nothing more than to see Nick and Carrie the same.  Needless to say, they encourage them throughout.  Again, their own relationship is so very sweet and genuine--refreshing to read of in the world we live in now.  They embrace and kiss every now and then.  Nick and Carrie are often seen together, hugging or kissing the other's cheek.  

A woman is rather brazen and bold in her dating a much older gentleman--for show.  Another spoiled woman falls for a golf-caddy and they have brief trysts in the stable. . . regardless that her parents did not approve of the young man.  The scene is never described, we see only the result of it in tufts of hay on the woman's clothing and hair (mainly her back).  [Apologies, but it must be mentioned.  Just know there's never anything vulgar described.  We merely learn of the sin afterward, and are cautioned about such character.]

As usual, this was a great mystery with a twist.  I admit it doesn't take much for me to be fooled and never learn of the actual culprit until it's revealed in the end, but still, I was rather surprised although I should have realized sooner.  I love those kinds of stories! They keep you on your toes and make you want to read all the way to the end.

I've enjoyed every Farthering mystery I've read.  If you are looking for a good, clean novel to read on a snowy day, look no further.  :]

ages 16+

[I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]


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