A Bookish Sarah

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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Book Review | Sandcastle Kings

Sandcastle Kings
Meeting Jesus in a Spiritually Bankrupt World
Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Genre:  Nonfiction, Christian
Released:  November 10th, 2015

Children aren't the only ones building castles out of sand.

The world seems to have figured out the formula for manufacturing material success, but when it comes to finding true, lasting happiness, we are as lost as ever. We yearn for more, or less, or something that’s just different from what we have right now. Deep down, we know there must be satisfaction for our longing. We just don’t know where to find it.

In Sandcastle Kings, Rich Wilkerson uses four powerful stories from the seventh chapter of Luke to explain why spiritual fulfillment cannot be found in ourselves, in other people, in material things, or even in religion. By studying the stories of the centurion’s faith, the resurrection of the widow’s son, Jesus’ message about John the Baptist, and the anointing by the woman with the alabaster jar, you will be able to face your doubts and insecurities and overcome your anxiety, discontentment, and depression. Wilkerson wants you to understand that the only answer for your spiritual bankruptcy is Jesus and that until you turn to Him you will never experience the lasting peace and joy you so desperately crave.

Wow.  What an incredible book!  Divided into four parts with twelve chapters total, Mr. Wilkerson delves deep into the seventh chapter of Luke.  He focuses on four well-known stories: the centurion's faith, the widow's son, John the Baptist, and the woman with the alabaster jar.  So, we have the Boss, the Widow, the Preacher, and the Outcast.  He also discusses the Four Loves, how even a most devoted man of faith can doubt, and where true satisfaction should be found--in Christ.  

Ever built a sandcastle before?  Then you know that when the high-tide rises, there's no possible way your beautiful masterpiece will stand.  All too often that's exactly what we do in life.  We build countless sandcastles in our jobs, families, churches, etc. and then wonder why they continuously fall apart.  In this book, Mr. Wilkerson stresses the importance of building upon the solid Rock.  It is there we can stand, and not fall into the bankruptcy of the world.  He tells it like it is, uses illustrations of his own experience, makes you laugh, and makes you think.

In conclusion, he says this, ". . .Jesus has paid your bill.  The check came, and you owed more than you have.  In fact, you have nothing.  You are completely bankrupt.  But thankfully, Jesus is the Man.  He took care of your debt.  Once you are aware of what He paid, it doesn't lead you away from Him, it leads you straight to Him. . . And when you let Jesus have all of your life and let Him be your king, you will no longer be building on sand but on the immovable, unshakable, eternal Rock."

Recommended ages:  16+
My Rating

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