A Bookish Sarah

encouragement & bookish things

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Welcome, friend! Relax & rest awhile, if you please. I'm an ordinary girl, a follower of Christ, mama to Gabriel, Heidi, & Aidan; and wife to Evan. Here in this little space of the online world, I share all manner of bookish things, including full content reviews, writerly snippets, encouragement for everyday life, and a whole collection of names & their meanings.

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What's in a Name?

This Name post centers on movie characters!

Gender:  Masculine
Usage:  Norse Mythology, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian
Pronunciation:  THOR (English), TOR (Danish), TOOR (Swedish, Norwegian)

Meaning & History
From an Old Norse word meaning "thunder." Thor, son of Odin, was the Norse god of strength, thunder, and war - armed with the hammer Mjolnir and an enchanted belt that doubled his strength.

Note: you must know I despise mythology of any culture - Greek, Norse, etc.  I cannot begin to describe how much I loathe it.  They are so messed up!  I've always wondered why it was required in schools to learn the stories and backgrounds of mythology.  Where in the world are these kids going to use such knowledge?!?  It just shows what an evil and corrupt world we live in.  Those stories are full of murder, adultery, deception, and lust.  Seriously, it's not even historically correct --

But, I wanted to do a Name post with two brothers and two sisters (different films), so I chose these guys.  Personally, Marvel's Avenger movies are some of my absolute favorites!

Gender:  Masculine
Usage:  Norse Mythology
Pronunciation:  LO-kee

Meaning & History
Meaning unknown - possibly from the Indo-European root leug meaning "to break." In Norse mythology, Loki was the god of mischief, associated with magic and fire.  Over time, he became more and more evil, and was eventually chained to a rock by the other "gods."

In my opinion, Tom Hiddleston did a great job portraying this evil character.  He had just the right amounts of evil and yet, he almost made you feel sorry for him.  If you ever get a chance to watch the Avengers blooper scene, you'll see this guy really isn't a villian.  Always has a smile!

Moving on to another set of characters from another of my favorite film series... NARNIA!

Gender:  Feminine
Usage:  English
Pronunciation:  SOO-zǝn 

Meaning & History
English variant of Susanna, which is derived from the Greek form of the Hebrew name Shoshannah meaning "lily" or, in modern Hebrew, "rose."  A well-known bearer of this name was the American feminist Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906).

Of course, what person comes first to my mind, is C.S. Lewis' character, Susan Pevensie, Queen of Narnia.  =]  The logical, practical, and sometimes annoying eldest sister of the Pevensie siblings.  She's the realist of the family.

Gender:  Feminine
Usage:  English
Pronunciation:  LOO-see

Meaning & History

English form of Lucia, which is the feminine form of Lucius, derived from the Latin word lux meaning "light."  It has been in use as a given name since the Middle Ages.

Queen Lucy the Valiant.  A picture of child-like innocence and curiousity.  In a way, Lucy represents us as humans, displaying the innocence, strength, and weaknesses (as in Voyage of the Dawn Treader) of our fragile character.  Yet, with Aslan, who acts as the character of God, she could do anything.  

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All pictures hail from Pinterest.


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